The Ultimate Guide to Automated Market Makers
Decentralized Automated Market Makers are attacking established markets, and they will be a a key part of the financial infrastructure of the future, both in traditional and decentralized finance. This book, written by published author and leading expert Stefan Loesch contains everything you need to know to become an expert on this topic that will revolutionize finance.

The financial mathematics of AMMs is highly complex and closely related to option pricing. The book's chapter on AMM mathematics has been published as independent paper and is currently undergoing a thorough peer review process.
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Other than mathematics, understanding AMMs requires an understanding of key elements in finance, economics, regulations and last but certainly not least crypto asset architecture.
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DeFi is a community effort and we will succeed if we work together. The AMM book represents community knowledge, and requires community input.
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AMMs are the future of markets. Help us to make it happen!
Stefan Loesch, AuthorRelated Stories
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Part of the book will be an overview of all projects in this space with a short description of
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to new project. Likewise, this is a very dynamic space with a lot of reference material being
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